Who we are

The Premier Organization of Transforming Lives

Garfield Jubilee Association, Inc. (GJA) is a non-profit, community development corporation formed to develop programs and activities which benefit and stabilize the welfare of low and moderate income families and the community. GJA was formally incorporated in 1983 and is the product of the cooperative efforts of local East End clergy and concerned city residents, with assistance from the Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation and the Alcoa Foundation.

The Garfield Jubilee provide services under three components.

  1. Housing Counseling
  2. Housing Development
  3. Workforce Development
Our Mission

GJA is a Christian-Based Non-Profit organization with a mission to strengthen communities in Garfield, the East End and the Pittsburgh Region through the manifestation of the love of God.

Join Our Team

Open Positions

  • Outreach & Community Building Specialist

meet our team

Garfield Jubilee staff is composed of committed and dedicated educators, administrators, case managers, and vocational trainers. We are a diverse team of professionals that is committed to provide premier services to our youth, customers, and the community.

Executive Director
Executive Assistant
Youth Build Program Coordinator
Lead Educational Instructor
Construction Trainer
Construction Manager
Job Developer Specialist
Case Manager