We’re Back

Hello all, 

As the Coronavirus impacted our lives from March 16th to current, we have been following Governor Wolf’s mandate to shelter in place, wear mask and social distance while in public places.  Our doors were physically closed; however, we have continued to provide online educational and occupational services to our YouthBuild students.  Here are a few of the things we have been involved in: 

Engaging our YouthBuild Students  

We have made every effort to engage our students during the pandemic by creating online NCCER Construction Training classes taught by Jim Copeland and Bob Poston.   

Continued OnLine Education Classes and Academic Enrichment Classes 

Our Academic Instructor, Christina Muzzie, continues to provide academic instruction using the Zoom format to engage our students.   

Job Readiness 

Connie Taylor, Job Developer Specialist, has continued to provide assistance to our YouthBuild students who are in need resume writing, interviewing techniques, notifications of virtual career fairs and opportunities for employment.   

Program Coordinator and Case Manager Supervisor  

Program Coordinator, Dion Jones and Case Manager Supervisor, Dr. Staci Flint has stayed in touch with our YouthBuild students to determine any supportive needs they may have during this crisis.



Marcia Crews